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Welcome to the homepage of our Laboratory!

Researches in Prof. Yoshida’s group have been focused on the molecular cell biology and vaccine development against pathogens using molecular biological, immunological and applied entomological techniques. Especially, current research is focused strongly on novel vaccine strategies against malaria, one of most serious infectious diseases in the world, and actively working with other domestic and foreign research groups toward the goal. Please see contents of our research activities.

Positions for graduated students

The positions for graduated students in Kanazawa University are open.
We also welcome applications of PhD course from international students.
Proficiency in Japanese is not necessary for you to enroll, although you should communicate with us in English.
Please feel free to contact us.

 Copyright© Laboratory of Vaccinology and Applied Immunology, Kanazawa University, 2011-2020.
 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系 ワクチン・免疫科学研究室
